Wednesday, February 3, 2010

LOST: A never ending confusion

Yes! Its finally here! The final season millions of die hard fans have been waiting for is out. I have not watched the end of season 5 since it came out last May so my memory is a bit blurry with the show (like it needs to be any more confusing). To be honest, I don't even remember Jacob dying.I don't know how to feel knowing John Locke is now the smoke monster. So I guess Locke is still dead and the smoke monster can turn itself into other people? So many question and so little answers!
Jack and the rest of the gang are captured by 'the Others' again, what a surprise... And now you find out Locke (or the smoke monster) is going to try and break into the temple. John Locke is my hero! He shouldn't be made into a villain.

What is most confusing is there were 2 dimensions. One where they are still on the island. And the second is how life would have been if the crash never happened. But what I don't understand from the 2nd dimension is why is Desmond there? He wasn't on Oceanic 815. Can this be any more confusing ><.
I'm sorry but I love this picture

I need to rewatch all 6 seasons once the entire show is done to connect everything because everything in the show has its own special meaning.

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