Monday, May 17, 2010

Sole Survivor

Simply said, the best Survivor player of all time is Russell Hantz. Thats debatable, I understand, but to even consider Sandra as the best of all time because she is the only player to win the game twice is the most ridiculous statement I've ever heard.

Sandra has never won individual immunity which means she has no physical game. Her ONLY strategy this season was to take out Russell and guess what? She failed at that because Russell made it to the top 3! Meaning she has no social/strategic game. "If Sandra has 2 victories in the game, theres something wrong with the game of survivor" - Russell Hantz

Even if Russell didn't take the win, I'd much rather see Parvati win just because when she played the 2 hidden immunity idols at once, it was the most genius play I have ever seen.

P.s. The most dominant physical player in the game has to be James, my favourite Survivor player of all time!

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