Thursday, January 14, 2010

Too hyper at night

This is probably the most nerd thing I will ever say but I'm so excited about business now because we are finally doing balance sheets in uni. Its about time! I'll probably complain about how useless they are in a week but for now I'm happy.

So why am I so hyper? Probably because I just ate a whole bunch of this.
Only the bestest candy ever! Yes, bestest!

Or maybe I'm excited about going home tomorrow. I have Friday classes this term but they are so useless. This is what I do in math:

1) Arrive there just on time
2) Do the question on the board based on last class
3) Sleep
4) Wake up
5) Do the question at the end to see if I understand what was taught
6) Get up and leave

Oh and I also found these pictures from New Years Eve, hope you enjoy Gary.
How come these remind me of Xin?

Oh, classic Gary.

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