Saturday, March 20, 2010

MSN talk

This blog is more for me to ask questions rather than me giving advice. I've just always wondered how much is msging someone too much on msn? Like, if a guy meets a girl and he really likes talking to her daily and he is always the one msging her first. When does it get to the point where he msges her too much? Of course if the girl likes the guy she wouldn't mind him msging her but imagine she doesn't him and his msges become annoying.

I have some friends where I usually send the first msg but I never care just because we are such good friends and I know they don't mind talking to me (I hope). This is because we are such good friends now but I thought about when we just met. I'm sure we didn't talk so much and I would feel weird always sending the first msg on msn.

I guess I've found myself in this situation plenty of times (maybe not to an extreme extent). Of course you can comment on what you think on this situation, I would love to hear other people's opinions, but I wrote this blog more as a general issue I run into from time to time.


  1. I think this is the problem with MSN. You don't really know whats going on when you chat with them using the internet. Haha sorry I can't answer your question just saying if you really like a person then MSN isn't the way to go.

  2. like canny said, depending on the context your talking about. If its about "like" then msn like canny said. You can be on msn but you can be talking to like 10 other people or watching a movie on the same time. There isnt as much commitment to an alternative like talking on the phone. I personally dont believe there is such thing as "talking too much" as long as you both want to talk. however if your always/almost exclusively the first one to message it kind of shows you want to talk more than the other person (your more interested). at least in my opinion
