Fun day yesterday. First going to play pool with Xin at UWP.

Then playing table tennis with Jeffrey and Xin at V1

Alright, we all know Xin always talks about his Dragonboat team and I have to say, they are pretty cool (Many of them also love the Beatles). Partying with them was crazy to say the least. George, the 7 foot tall guy is so jokes, rapping to random songs. They kept trying to convert me to be a Dragonboat member but I'm not sure if they know I'm not even from Waterloo!

I got pretty messed up too. You know what I found out? When I drink I think I'm able to dance to 'Wedding Dress'. Which I can not.... But enough about what happened to me, Xin was gone last night! First one out, which I know sounds bad but he took alot before he blacked out (puking everywhere in George's room, including his computer!). Calvin passed out a bit after Xin but at least he wasn't puking everywhere. Thank you Siva for coming to Loo for the party even if you're in co-op. You didn't pass out and partied all night with me!
I remember we wanted to play a new game no one has ever played before so a guy grabbed a bunch of poker chips and a LCBO bag and yes, we invited a new drinking game. Maybe not new, I'm sure other people have done it before, but wow, being able to make up random crap when you are drunk is shocking.
Drunk Xin + Jenga = Funniest thing everSo Xin had a bit too much to drink. What killed him was 'fuck the dealer'. With a name like fuck the dealer I have no idea why Xin volunteered to be the dealer, but hey, I'm glad he had fun.
Tipsy Xin on his iPhone
Drunk Xin falling and begging for help
Passed out Xin rolling on the ground
Siva and a woken up Xin finding the four empty 1.75L of vodka!
How did we do it!
So I'm not sure when the party ended but basically everyone left at once but me and Siva had to stay behind and wait for Xin and Calvin to wake up. I remember George telling us "don't take the beers in the fridge, those are my roommate's." I'm sorry George, we drank them...

Hey hey hey, but we are nice guys, after we drank a few Heinekens we put them back in hopes they wouldn't notice we took anything.
Why is there 1 left not open!Overall it was an exciting night. I remember waking up Calvin so we could get out of the place before George woke up. When Calvin asked why we responded because Xin barfed all over his room and we didn't want a 7footer killing us! The walk back home is always fun, especially with Calvin running like a crab because he was still pretty drunk.